The strength of any organization lies in diversity, dedication, and the commitment of its members to the organization. Join other forward-looking mathematics educators whose goals include the promotion and improvement of mathematics education. Please take a few moments from your busy schedule to join WSMC or to encourage your colleagues to become part of our organization.

If you have any questions, email

1 Year Membership … $25

2 Year Membership … $45

3 Year Membership … $65

Retired Educator or Student … $15

It is now possible to JOIN and RENEW online:

  1. Complete an online membership form

  2. Use the button below to submit membership fees through the store

If you prefer to mail:

  1. Download a membership form

  2. Fill it out

  3. Mail completed membership form and a check payable to WSMC to our Membership Chair


The Washington State Mathematics Council (WSMC) is a professional organization  that exists to promote and influence mathematics education. The membership is  committed to developing, supporting, and encouraging opportunities that lead to effective mathematics  instruction. WSMC encourages high professional standards and serves as a communication network for  anyone interested in mathematics education. It is an affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of  Mathematics (NCTM). 

Membership in WSMC offers an opportunity to be a part of a professional organization, networking with  educators in your region and throughout the state. Being a member indicates a commitment to  professionalism in your field (TPEP Criterion 8 Collaborative and Collegial Practices), and offers numerous opportunities to volunteer and to serve in leadership roles.

Membership also supports other educators and students:

Northwest Mathematics Conferences (NWMC) This annual October conference rotates among Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia. Members receive reduced registration fees in all venues. Every third year, when hosted in Washington by WSMC and PSCTM, members are  invited to participate in planning, presenting, or volunteering.

High School Math Contests Teams and individuals compete annually at the regional level in March. Approximately 45 schools and 250 students advance to the state competition in April.

Clock Hours Free clock hours are available for members who participate in selected online courses and many WSMC events. Clock hours are also offered for purchase at Northwest  Math Conferences, with the monies being  returned to benefit members through WSMC  Educator Support Funds.

Educator Support Fund The Washington State Mathematics Council provides   funds to support mathematics related initiatives, identified by members via an application. Individual awards  range from $50 to $500.

Rita Lowe Scholarships WSMC gives annual scholarships in the amount of $1000,  

awarded to: 

★ high school students planning to become math teachers 

★ college students planning to become math teachers

★ math teachers pursuing further professional growth.

Awards Washington State Mathematics Council Supports outstanding math educators by offering three awards. One male and one female WSMC member, each an outstanding mathematics  educator, are honored annually. The Hall of Fame  Award is given to honor an outstanding contributor  to the field of mathematics education, one who  has given time and effort over a long period of time  (ten years or more).