Supporting and Empowering Mathematics Education

FREE Clock Hour Opportunities available this year for members!

March 6th Membership Roundtables: Ways of Flourishing

WSMC is proud to be planning the 64th Annual NWMC in collaboration with the Puget Sound Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

We hope you join us in Tacoma to connect and learn with other educators.

Our Mission

We believe all people can learn and use mathematics. Members are committed to developing, supporting, and encouraging opportunities that lead to effective instruction and learning that will empower students. WSMC serves as a communication and learning network open to anyone interested in mathematics education.

WSMC Offers:

  • Programs

    Join our council members at different Mathematical Events around the Northwest, including the Northwest Mathematics Conference and our Annual High School Contest.

  • Membership

    The strength of any organization lies in diversity, dedication, and the commitment of its members to the organization. Join other forward-looking mathematics educators whose goals include the promotion and improvement of mathematics education.

  • Clock Hours

    WSMC offers free clock hours to its members who participate in selected online courses, book studies, or other WSMC events. WSMC also offers clock hours for purchase ($2.00/hour) at Northwest Mathematics Conferences, with the earnings being used to benefit members through WSMC Educator Support Fund opportunities.